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I consider myself a die hard amiga fan. I have 2 amigas, and would have 3 if I hadn't traded my 500 for a 2000 many years ago.

When I heard that Gateway was producing a new machine I was going to up grade my OS to 3.1 so could be ready for the new machines. Then I heard they were
going Linux I was even more excited (The original OS came from a UNIX derivative anyway).

Now I don't know what's going on with Gateway, so I have put my plans on hold again, until they work out what they are doing. The Amiga must be the only computer in history to out live the company that brought it to the market. Given the capability of the IBM PC today, I wonder what the Amiga would have been like right now?

What the Amiga needs is commitment. Not from the users, it has that already, but from a company that will see it become what it should be. Unfortunately this requires more than money, it requires talent. If you read about the original Amiga team, you learn how the team that designed and built it had realtalent. This is what is required for a new Amiga. If they just throw money at it, they will only get an alternative to the PC, and this is what we don't want.

I wonder where the talent is? I know it's out there somewhere. It's the type of talent that produced the Amiga, and the big corporations like Sun and SGI.

Does anyone know what Gateway is doing?

Anthony Law
Sydney, Australia